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Monochrome and Color Television - R R Gulati (Second Ed)

The book has been designed to meet the requirements of a modern text book on ‘Television Engineering’ for Electrical and Electronics Engineering students at the degree level. It will also meet the needs of a comprehensive course on TV Engineering in Polytechnics and Technical Schools. In addition the book will be of immense value to practicing engineers and technicians.

Students engaged in self study will also benefit very much from this text.
The matter has been so presented that any Engineering student with a basic knowledge of the various electronic building blocks and fundamentals of communication systems will have no difficulty in understanding the subject.

Comprehensive design criteria for various sections of the receiver have been given in each chapter without going into rigorous mathematical details. Due emphasis has also been laid on TV receiver servicing and servicing equipment. Detailed charts for locating faults and trouble shooting together with alignment procedures for the various sections of the receiver have also been included.

Size: 5.23Mb

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  1. .-.

  2. Retrospect  

    Thankyou for this very helpful download. I found this extremely useful. Her is the link I found for GATE 2015:

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